Nigerian Entertainment Industry: The Turning Point Against Corrupt Nigerian Leaders. #Revolution

Agwuma Kingsley
5 min readOct 17, 2020


The Nigerian economy needs great redemption. An Economy that has been drowning in her leaders dread. Celebrated her 60th independence on 1st October, 2020, and is yet to earn her citizen something tangle from leadership; apart from her thriving Entertainment sector. The Oil & Gas sector has been rising and falling remorseless. It has no true value or cause for stability.

Her Agricultural sector, have been sleeping and waking profusely in hunger for more than five decade. COVID-19, another medium for her leaders to exhort millions. Her leaders are blunt evil and pure hypocrites.

Notwithstanding, the country has been blessed extravagant with both talented youths and the best natural resources. But, her dreaded leaders has deliberately been eroding her beauty. And the Nigerian economy has fallen. Once the giant of her continent and now fallen! Shame to her leaders! Shame! Fallen. And the true cause, her leaders engaged criminality, lies and true hypocrisy. They’ve married corruption. The beauty and change sustainability for her economy lies within her youths, her entertainment sector. The youths are woke and nothing, not even the armed forces or there leveled intimidation can stop them — Buhari. Kill them all! #RevolutionNow #EndSars

The corruption, increasing by the day; citizens suffering and beyond half the population going into stack poverty daily. No employment, the economy breaking down completely and totally tearing apart. But yet, it has not been divided.

The Biafrans, IPOB crying for their own freedom, there separation from the fury of present leadership. The cry amplified in the administration of President, Muhammadu Buhari. He has brought nothing but pain and great level of poverty. He has been marked and highlighted as one of the worst democratic leaders in Nigeria of all time since her independence in 1st October, 1960.

The cries of poor citizens has been soaring high like hot air balloons taking over the skye. Nigeria, is bleeding and revolution is her hope to reform and recreate better leadership. The entertainment industry, housing majority of her youths who should become the leaders of her tomorrow is the hope for many. But, the leaders have built mishaps, series of thugs called special security heads to paint the creatives of her industry black and lock them in silence. High level of insecurity causing the death of creative citizens, has been the new plot of her leaders to shut them up from fighting there rights. From Fela Kuti’s reign to bring true change, singing Nigerians to there consciousness. Eedris Abdulkareem, African China and others delivered same ministration. But, Nigerian government always made arrangements to shut such band either by incarceration, intimidation, assassination or otherwise. Evil leaders!

Now upon our time. The special anti-robbery squad (SARS) has been on the-same mission, sent to kill us all? They want us all ended? They say we are the thugs, the criminals and fraudulent youths? Now, who would save us? God? There devices has been crafted neat to erode us claiming we’re all the nuisance. Who would save us all? We must continue to speak up and declare our innocence because we are the leaders of tomorrow and we can’t take this anymore! #EndSars

Who would save the Nation from this chaos? Who would successfully send down the rain for it is a painful revolution that would erode the dreads taking position as leaders of the holy Nigeria? Who would save Nigeria completely? Her citizens, are in great pain. We want two things and we have to take them by force because power is taken and not given. #EndSars #Revolution

An economy, that hold leaders who’ve built mishap and invading the economy with their blown out corruption The chain of her corruption, so stiff and strong, red hot and they keep a display roasting citizens infinity. Overpowering us with the barbaric attitude of their evil subject they sent tricky to protect her citizens? #EndSars

The youths who should become the leaders of tomorrow. Her barbaric leaders end up saying, “Nigerians, the youths don’t have voice, they can’t speak up!” It’s the reality and every true Nigerian knows it. But, they have waited to prove. They’ve waited to attack peacefully to spark the revolution her citizens and children to come deserve. The leaders of tomorrow have been accused differently. Many security agencies in her nation have tagged her leaders of tomorrow, the criminals, the yahoo boys, fraudsters, cultists and all manner of evil to damage our image of speaking loud enough to change the her sinking nation. Nigerians have woken and they are wiser than ever. This generation is wild and they want there misplaced rights fixed up now! #EndSars

The Nigerian entertainment industry has always seem like a savior from the on-set. Her voice is what her citizens have waited for this while. The average Nigerian citizen have longed change. Because, the barbaric Government have been hardened at heart to have withhold what rightly belongs to her great people. Our people must not give up! We must let them know we have a voice and with our unity, the battle we would overcome.

Interview footage found in Faces of Africa on CGTN Africa, Fela Kuti, spoke of a comparison between English love songs and his own music:

“Yes, if you are in England, the music can be an instrument of enjoyment. You can sing about love, you can sing about whom you are going to bed with next. But in my own environment, my society is underdeveloped because of an alien system on our people. So there is no music enjoyment. There is nothing like love. There is something like struggle for people’s existence.”

The Entertainment industry, is the only key. The only voice to erupt the change and revolution in our country. Nigerian have been tagged weak and voiceless. But, we must be united through our peace to revolt this alienated leaders of our country. #RevolutionNow



Agwuma Kingsley

I’m a creative writer, online publisher, contributor and PR Consultant.